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Andrew L. Adler

Andrew L. Adler is a licensed professional counselor (LPC) and certified career counselor (CCC) with a passion for helping people find fulfillment in their careers.

With a background in Academia and a successful track record in the digital and technology sectors, Andrew is uniquely qualified to guide individuals on a new career path, particularly in the digital realm.

He has recently launched a new resource blog,, to provide education and support for those seeking to shift careers.

Andrew is a career shifter himself, having made the transition from a state-licensed teacher to starting his own digital agency and participating in numerous business ventures.

He is deeply empathetic towards those who are unhappy in their current careers, as he has personally experienced the challenges and frustrations of being in a dissatisfying job.

Andrew is dedicated to helping others find the career path that brings them joy and fulfillment.

Andrew L. Adler is a leading expert in the field of career development and personal growth. With a background in Academia, extensive experience as a career counselor, and a successful track record as an entrepreneur and author, Andrew has a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities that individuals face in their careers. He is available for interviews and quotes on a variety of topics related to career development, job searching, and finding fulfillment in work.

To schedule an interview with Andrew or request a quote, please contact

About Andrew L. Adler:

  • Andrew L. Adler is a successful entrepreneur, career counselor, and author.
  • He has a background in education and has spent many years helping individuals achieve their career goals and find fulfillment in their work.
  • Andrew is a licensed professional counselor (LCP) and certified career counselor (CCC).
  • He has been featured in numerous media outlets, including [insert examples] and has spoken at conferences and events on career development and personal growth.
  • Andrew is the author of several bestselling books on career development, including [insert titles].
  • He runs a popular blog,, where he shares his insights and expertise on a variety of topics related to career development and personal growth.